Established in 2011 by Steve Dunn and David Moran, Dunn + Moran Landscape Architects (DMLA) is a dedicated team of experienced, energetic and talented designers. We pride ourselves on client service and delivering high quality outcomes based on strong design principles. We have a passion for life between buildings and landscape experience. The fine art of examining the way in which people live and connect with the built form and the landscape are defining characteristics of our professional endeavour.



DAVID HAS GAINED valuable experience on a range of commercial, residential and environmental projects. He has a strong interest in the natural environment and sustainable systems. David has excellent skills in the use of digital technology. David’s eye for detail and technical knowledge ensure the successful delivery of high quality spaces. His collaboration with consultants results in optimal outcomes for the site and the client.  His interests in construction have influenced his work for more than 18 years and will continue to strengthen his career as a Landscape Architect.



STEVE IS PASSIONATE about the key values of Landscape Architecture - ecology, beauty and community. He feels that Landscape Architecture can be an art form, have social missions, and be focused on the experiential qualities of landscape . Steve’s design flair and spatial understanding combine to create truly unique and inspiring spaces. He successfully composes concepts that deliver people places that encourage occupation of space and meet the needs and desires of the client.  This approach has informed his work for more than 20 years and has enabled him to approach a variety of project types with enthusiasm, producing design excellence.